Friday, May 1, 2009

Sport in the Ancient World from A to Z

Sport in the Ancient World from A to Zby Mark Golden

ISBN: 9780415248815
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Edition: illustrated edition

Sport in the Ancient World from A to Z covers an extraordinarily wide range of Greek and Roman sporting activities Arranged in an easy-to-use dictionary format, the volume includes more than 700 entries discussing ancient athletes, festivals, important sites, equipment and concepts. The approach throughout is comprehensive yet succinct, with key topics, such as athletic festivals, chariot racing, prizes and the role of women receiving more detailed discussion. Each entry concludes with pointers to the most important sources of information, both ancient and modern. The places mentioned in the text are picked out on a useful map, and a timeline of significant developments and events is also included. Reliable, enjoyable, and up-to-date, this handy work of reference will suit readers from student level upwards.

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