Saturday, June 27, 2009

Internal Gung Fu Volumje One - Qi - Erle Montaigue (spanish)

Internal Gung Fu Volumje One - Qi - Erle Montaigue (spanish)Internal Gung Fu Volumje One - Qi - Erle Montaigue
Nowadays, there are literally hundreds of different martial arts systems. With the proliferation of martial arts movies, people are now familiar with those martial arts such as karate, gung-fu (kungfu) aikido and Taijiquan. And although we are able to break for instance, karate up into many different styles and gung-fu also into many different styles, there are still basically only two major systems into which all martial arts can be categorised.

The most widely spread categorisation of martial arts in the West would have to be the socalled hard styles into which would fall the arts such as karate, taek won do and many of the ‘hardstyle‘ gung-fu systems of China. These would include those suchas wing chun, choylaefut , hunggar and Shaolin Temple boxing.

It is said that all of the hard systems have come from this one source, the Shaolin Temple . Meaning Little Forest, the Shaolin Temple is hundreds of years old and has been rebuilt some three times with the most recent incarnation being around five hundred years ago. Nowadays, for most serious martial artists, this ‘modern’ temple is abito fajoke, with the original essence of the martial arts taught there being lost along timeago. Now, it is really a tourist destination and a place for television programs to shoot some filler, some quirky spot for their programming, for some pretty or hands ome interviewer to go gaga over some young lad having bricks broken over his head etc.

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