Software Verification and Analysis: An Integrated, Hands-On Approach

This book addresses the most important techniques in improving thecorrectness of software, including correctness by construction(top-down refinement), program proving, static analysis and dynamic,execution-based analysis (testing and debugging).
Three major software verification techniques are discussed: Semanticprogram synthesis and analysis, static program analysis and dynamicprogram analysis. The correctness by construction paradigm isillustrated using the VDM-SL and the corresponding CSK Toolbox. Thediscussion involves the synthesis of direct and/or indirectspecification, interpreting the latter and carrying out high-leveltesting of the specification.
Problems are included in the text and one or more difficult exercisesappear at the end of each chapter. Also, where appropriate, STAD’shandling of the concepts is illustrated.
Written for advanced students and professionals wishing to explore morethan one technique, this comprehensive text will be invaluable with itsunique integrated approach.

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