Metal Catalysed Reactions in Ionic Liquids

This book represents first non-edited book on the subject of metalcatalysed reactions in ionic liquids and covers the literature from itsorigins until early 2005. Following a general introduction to the fieldof biphasic/mutliphasic catalysis, the synthesis, functionalisation andfundamental properties of ionic liquids relevant to catalysis aredescribed.
In the ensuing chapters catalysed reactions are discussedaccording to their type, encompassing hydrogenation, hydroformylation,oxidation, C-C coupling reactions, metathesis, dimerisation,polymerisation and more. Trends, generalisations, advantages anddisadvantages of ionic liquids for specific reaction types arediscussed.
Specific processes such as supported ionic liquid phasecatalysis, continuous processes using CO2 extraction and nanoparticlecatalysis are covered. The book should be of interest to all thoseworking in catalysis/green chemistry, in particular, to advanced levelundergraduate and graduate students and all those researching orcontemplating research in bi- or multiphasic catalysis using ionicliquids.

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