Wednesday, July 15, 2009

MySQL Cookbook

 MySQL CookbookPublisher: O'Reilly Media | ISBN: 0596001452 | edition 2002 | CHM | 1022 pages | 1,4 mb

Good programming--which is to say, programming that yields both efficient code and a profitable life for the programmer--depends on not reinventing the wheel.

If someone else has solved the problem you're facing (and someone almost always has), you'd be foolish to waste your energy figuring out your own solution.

MySQL Cookbook presents solutions to scores of problems related to the MySQL database server.

Readers stand a good chance of finding a ready-made solution to problems such as querying databases, validating and formatting data, importing and exporting values, and using advanced features like session tracking and transactions.

Paul DuBois has done a great job assembling efficient solutions to common database programming problems, and teaches his readers a lot about MySQL and its attendant APIs in the process.

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