Monday, June 1, 2009

Webster’s Croatian - English Thesaurus Dictionary

Webster’s Croatian - English Thesaurus DictionaryIf you are learning Croatian, this book was not created for you, and you should not purchase it. It was created for completely fluent mother-tongue speakers of Croatian who already know the full meaning of Croatian words, but who need to learn how a single English translation of a Croatian word may have ambiguous meanings in the English language.

It is designed for bi-lingual education for the non-English reader who wants to improve English-language test scores covering English synonyms. Synonyms may bear no relationship to a translation word (e.g. “love” can signify both an emotion and a score of zero in tennis; zero, while being a synonym of love, is likely to be a bad translation to the original Croatian headword). This is a regular English thesaurus, like Roget’s, but the entries are sorted alphabetically using headwords from Croatian. It cannot be used to translate between the two languages, but may help a fluent speaker of Croatian who is learning basic English, to learn the ambiguities of the English l
anguage and its vocabulary.

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