Future Interaction Design II

Everyday human-technology interaction is often problematic because theperformance capacities that underlie the technologies changefrequently, and new ones are introduced. Emerging technologies andservices are compelling the interaction community to constantly developnew innovative approaches to solve interaction problems. As a result,interaction design is now in a crucial period in terms of capitalizingon new design possibilities to solve contemporary problems in anefficient manner.
This comprehensive volume follows the success of Future InteractionDesign I and complements it by looking at emerging approaches which arelikely to contribute to the discipline in the near future. The themeunderpinning the book is that it is the human character rather than thetechnology that should determine the nature of interaction, and thatthe term ‘interaction design’ covers a range of issues relevant toenabling quality design. A team of international authors discuss anumber of new topics, such as psychological design processes,gerotechnology, modeling, e-learning and subconscious experiences.

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