Sunday, May 24, 2009

Extreme Programming for Web Projects

Extreme Programming for Web ProjectsExtreme Programming for Web Projects (The XP Series)
Addison-Wesley Professional | ISBN: 0201794276 | 192 pages | September 29, 2002 | CHM | 1 Mb

Web development teams have been operating in the dark for far too long. The lack of proven development methodologies for the Web environment has resulted in a constant struggle for developers to produce quality Web-based projects on time and within budget.

The field is multidisciplinary in character, involving both technology and graphic design: Web-based project development must address the issue of company image, must function on multiple platforms, and must incorporate multiple media into one complete package.Extreme Programming for Web Projects shows how the Extreme Programming (XP) software development discipline can be adapted and applied to the Web-based project development process. This book demonstrates how the hallmarks of XP--continuous integration, short iterations, paired programming, automated testing, and extensive client involvement--are particularly well suited to the unique demands of Web-based development.

Based on years of real-world experience, the book offers proven best practices that enable developers to deal efficiently and effectively with the challenges they face and, ultimately, to produce Web-based projects that meet and/or exceed customer expectations.


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