Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Earn $ in Retirement - How 2 Draw on Lifetime of Experience to Supplement Your Income 2006

Earn $ in Retirement - How 2 Draw on Lifetime of Experience to Supplement Your Income 2006Jim Green, Earn Money in Retirement:

How to Draw on a Lifetime of Experience to Supplement Your Pension
How to Books | Pages: 306 | 2006-08-15 | ISBN: 1845281128 | PDF | 12,80 Mb

Contents :
Preface xiii
1 Turning retirement into profitable activity 3
How do we go about creating profitable activity? 4
Entrepreneurship and the retiree 4
Highlighting the advantages 5
Evaluating the drawbacks 6
So what's on offer for the enterprising retiree? 8
2 Making your lifetime knowledge work for you 9
Writing a book on your know-how 10
What you must do to make your project a reality 10
Considering the electronic alternative 14
So, you don't want to write a book? 15
3 How to create your own money-making ideas 16
Go online for initial research 16
Converting hobbies into retirement earners 16
Making money from what you love doing 17
Ten popular retirement hobby earners 18
Rolling out opportunities from other people's ideas 20
Idea format: list the things you want to improve 22
Protecting your ideas 24
Sparking off more ideas 25
Practice observing everyday things and details 25
Wacky ideas that consistently make money 25
Before you start developing your own unusual ideas 28
4 Creating residual income streams 30
Why creating residual income offline is restrictive 30
Why there are more opportunities online 32
Why countless millions are hooked on the internet 32
Marketing your own information products 33
Marketing other people's produce 33
5 Starting an offline business in retirement 35
How strong is your commitment? 35
Would you be capable of making your own decisions? 36
Could you plan ahead to cope in all kinds of weather? 36
Do you possess good interpersonal skills? 36
Would your spouse/partner support your decision? 37
Can you afford to invest in yourself? 37
How are you at handling setbacks? 37
What about the financial side of matters? 38
Are you ready to capitalise on major change? 38
Do you have special skills? 38
Where to look for help on initial planning 38
How to find and evaluate ideas 39
How to evaluate a specific business you have in mind 43
How to fine tune the selection process 44
Why you must test-market when you settle on an idea 46
How research irons out the wrinkles 46
The nuts and bolts of running an offline business 47
How to create your business plan 48
Deciding your business status 48
What to consider when choosing a trading name 50
Financing an offline business 50
Why finding the right location is vital 51
Getting organised at the outset 52
Allowing for accounting and cash flow 52
Allowing for taxation 52
Computer and communication skills 53
Learning how to market the enterprise 53
Acquiring commercial skills online 54
Adding to your skills offline 54
Crucial questions to ask your professional advisers 55
Cautionary note 57
6 Why online is faster, easier and less stressful 58
Trim start-up costs to the bare minimum 59
Set working hours to suit your new lifestyle 59
How your website can take orders while you sleep 60
Why there's 365 day non-stop trading in cyberspace 60
How your local store does business internationally 61
How you'll compete with the moguls on equal terms 61
Why automatic ordering eases the strain 61
Why automatic processing gets the cash in fast 62
How delivering produce instantly creates goodwill 62
Why customer satisfaction means more sales 63

Pass : aioforum.com

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