Friday, May 15, 2009

Audio Book Collection 90+ Authors and 200+ audiobooks

Updated 12 June

Now close to 45 Gig total in the collection!!!! All links available in the update link below!

Well it has taken awhile, but I have put most of my collection up and made it available. I have compiled all the links into a word document that I have linked here. Books are grouped by Author and alphabetized by last name. Over 94 Authors and more than 200 audio books!

Authors include:
Robert Baer
David Baldacci
William Bernhardt
Dan Brown
Agatha Christie (24)
Tom Clancy (21)
James Clavell
Harlen Coben
Michael Connelly
Robin Cook
Patricia Cornwell
Bryce Courtney
Michael Crichton (9)
Clive Cussler (Cool
Jeffery Deaver
Ted Dekker
Ken Follet
Gearge Friedman
Neil Gaiman
Lisa Gardner
John Grisham (4)
Thomas Harris (3)
Frank Hebert (all Dune (6), Legends of Dune (3) and Prequels of Dune (3))
James Hebert
Jack Higgins
Alfred Hitchcock
Tami Hoag
Horiato Hornblower
Robert Jordan (Conan the Barbarian)
Jonathon Kellerman
Stephen King (14 including the Dark Tower series)
Dean Koontz (17)
John LeCarre
Jeff Lindsay
Peter Lovesey
Robert Ludlum (4)
Andy Mcnabb (5)
Brad Metzler
Richard Montanari
David Morell
Christopher Paolini
James Patterson
Kathy Reichs
Mathew Reilly
J.k. Rowling (6)
Wilbur Smith (6)
Mickey Spillane
Star Wars
Star Trek
JRR Tolkein (LOTR + Hobbit + Realms)
Kate Wilhelm

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