Thursday, April 9, 2009

ping Tools with step by step instruction

This Pack contains a collection of softwares which will guide and make you properly understand and able to rip DvD's.

You can rip videos and other things into smaller sizes. With these softwares you can easily rip a dvd into smaller size even into a cd.

The purpose of this guide is so that everyone can make quality rips and not just rely on one or two people, imagine the amount of quality films coming through if we all used this method, it’s as simple as going to a DVD rental store or site, getting the DVD and creating a perfect 700mb DVD rip for the rest of us to enjoy.
You will need 4 bits of software, these are included in this guide.

1. DVD Decrypter
2. AGK
3. AVImux_GUI (installation instructions at end of guide for this one)
4. K-lite Codec Pack (if you already have a codec pack installed you can leave
this one out)

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