Monday, April 6, 2009

' Oracle Database 11g The Complete Reference, 2008 '

Oracle Database 11g The Complete Reference, 2008Get full details on the powerful features of Oracle Database 11g from this thoroughly updated Oracle Press guide. Oracle Database 11g: The Complete Reference explains how to use all the new features and tools, execute powerful SQL queries, construct PL/SQL and SQL*Plus statements, and work with large objects and object-relational databases.

Learn how to implement the latest security measures, tune database performance, and deploy grid computing techniques. An invaluable cross-referenced appendix containing Oracle commands, keywords, features, and functions is also included.

* Install Oracle Database 11g or upgrade from an earlier version
* Create database tables, sequences, indexes, views, and user accounts
* Construct SQL statements, procedures, queries, and subqueries
*Optimize security using virtual private databases and transparent data
*Import and export data using SQL*Loader and Oracle Data Pump
* Use SQL replay, change management, and result caching
*Avoid human errors using flashback and automatic undo management
*Build and tune PL/SQL triggers, functions, and packages
*Develop database applications using Java, JDBC, and XML
*Optimize availability and scalability with Oracle Real Application Clusters

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