Object-Oriented Project Management with UML

The best thing about this book has to be its honest, real-world mix of software engineering theory and real-world practice for managing object-oriented software development. The author refuses to be doctrinaire and continually offers valuable nuggets of practical advice. Regarding the pitfalls of one software development process, he writes, "I am sure someone has succeeded, but I have never seen it done." Later, he advises managers to "never show panic."
The book doesn't skimp on specifics with a sample case study on a jet fighter trainer simulation system that has a budget of over $22 million. The book also provides real numbers for project estimation, bug tracking, and resource allocation. You'll even find numbers for measuring productivity, including KLOCs. Numerous sample documents (including sample meeting agendas) round out the tour here. The book offers plenty of good advice for working with upper management, customers, and development teams throughout the software development process.
While there's certainly no substitute for actual project management experience, Object-Oriented Project Management with UML may be the next best thing. The author's tour of how to manage object-oriented software development offers dozens of savvy tips and a very thorough guide to using some of the best available techniques for software management. This book is perfect for practically minded IS managers or project leaders who want to see how their software development process can be improved using UML with rigorous management techniques. --Richard Dragan
Topics covered: object-oriented project management overview; obstacles; UML basics; use cases; class diagrams; lifecycle models: waterfall, spiral, RAD; time box model and controlled iteration; Software Development Plans (SDPs); budgeting; project estimation; management tips for inception, elaboration, construction, and transition phases; software metrics: KLOCs and COCOMO; measuring productivity; and sample meeting agendas.
Book Description
Almost all software projects are risky. The goal of every project manager is to somehow deal with the cost and schedule uncertainty while meeting your customer's needs. In Object-Oriented Project Management with UML, Murray Cantor describes an elegant, UML-based approach to managing object-oriented projects guaranteed to deliver high-quality software on time and within budget. * Sample project schedules, budgets, database templates for managing use cases, and a work-breakdown structure
* A spreadsheet workbook for managing incremental development* A development tracking diagram
Prior to joining TASC, Dr. Cantor was a development manager at IBM, where he oversaw the development of high-end graphics and multimedia systems.
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Product Details
* Hardcover: 368 pages
* Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 1 edition (August 3, 1998)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0471253030
* ISBN-13: 978-0471253037
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