A Course in Love: Powerful Teachings on Love, Sex And Personal Fulfillment
Picking up where A Return to Love leaves off, Gattuso applies the powerful teachings of A Course in Miracles to love, sex, and personal fulfillment in a book that has a message for everyone.
"Joan Gattuso’s book "A Course in Love"is the best book on relationships I have read . The book deals basicly with finding a spiritual base for the relationship with ourselves, clearing out all the blocks to our own good, forgiving our past , and taking full responsibility for our lives. Sounds like other spiritual books on relationships? In many ways ,most new thought books like this one , do ask the reader to assume the responsibility for what occurs in his/her life. I like Joan’s book because she gives the explicit tools to accomplish all of the above.She incorporates many mystical traditions , Sufi, ACourse in Miracles, Unity and many more to remind one of their spiritual inheritance. I do feel, one has to be ready and open to this understanding ,and willing to do the work she has laid out in the book. The spiritually hearty will welcome this book.The forgiveness techniques, the opening the heart meditations,and the 10% of the pyramid clearing are a few of the reasons I continually workwith the book. I am now ordering it for my daughter. Thankyou Joan, for this wonderful reminder."
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